env file in your project root directory and add environment variables a folder middlewares the root of the project, and add file : auth_middleware.go: Will contain authentication middlewares like a function to generate jwt token and check authentication status. Panic("Could not connect to mysql database!!")Ĭreate a. MYSQL_DATABASE: go-domain-driven-dev-auth-serviceĬreate a folder databasein the root of the project, and add three files : connection.go: Will connect us to the database.
RUN curl -sSfL | sh -s -b $(go env GOPATH)/binĪnd for the docker-compose.yaml file, paste the code below. Paste the code below in the Dockerfile FROM golang1.16 docker-compose.yaml: For docker-compose configurations, docker-compose will be used to run the project as it abstracts the different docker commands with simple ones.
In the root of the folder run git mod init This will create a go.mod file which contains the list of packages you will install on your project.-Create other two files:.With all that in mind let's start to create the authentication system. This makes the code to be maintainable and easy to scale up especially when the maintainer is different from the original author. When one is required to change only some business logic, they will have to change the files in the services layer only. Why should I use the structure above? Closely observing the structure, you will realize that we can change the web framework in use without touching the domain and services layer, you can as well change the datastore in use by changing the Domain layer-> DAO file. Here we define our entities and their data structure. - Data Transfer Objects: Objects that mirror database schemes.- Data access objects(DAO): This layer contains the basic CRUD operations for one entity class.Domain layer: We will be dividing this layer into two sub-layers.Services Layer: This contains the code that implements our business logic.Controllers layer: Transfers data between the controllers and services layer.Application layer: Contains our routes.In our case the process of adding a new user to the system has four sub-layers: What is domain-driven design?ĭomain-driven design involves dividing the whole model into smaller easy to manage and change sub-models. In this article, I will be using the above model to implement Domain-driven design with the go programming language.